Charter for the Common Law Sheriff’s Office


We, the undersigned, recognizing the natural and inalienable rights of individuals and communities to self-governance under the principles of Common Law, do hereby establish the Common Law Sheriff’s Office. This Office shall operate independently of Admiralty or statutory jurisdiction and shall serve as a guardian of the community’s welfare, safety, and natural rights, rooted in historical precedent and the rule of Common Law.

Article I: Name and Purpose

  1. Name: The organization shall be known as the Common Law Sheriff’s Office (hereafter referred to as “The Office”).
  2. Purpose:

Article II: Jurisdiction and Scope

  1. Jurisdiction: The Office operates under the jurisdiction of Common Law, distinct from Admiralty Law and statutory legal frameworks.
  2. Scope of Activities:

Article III: Organizational Structure

  1. The Common Law Sheriff:
  2. Deputies:
  3. Advisory Council:

Article IV: Membership

  1. Eligibility:
  2. Duties of Members:

Article V: Meetings and Elections

  1. Meetings:
  2. Elections:

Article VI: Code of Conduct

  1. Principles:
  2. Prohibited Activities:

Article VII: Dissolution

  1. Voluntary Dissolution:
  2. Asset Distribution:

Article VIII: Amendments

  1. Proposal of Amendments:
  2. Approval Process:


This Charter shall be considered ratified upon approval by a majority of the 12 founding members and shall take effect immediately thereafter.


Printed Name                                      Signature                                Date

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The Common Law Sherriffs Office
MMXXIV Without Prejudice.


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